Combat Exclusion

Combat Multipliers: Colleen Farrell

Chandler Cole, Johanna Crisman Season 1 Episode 7

Colleen Farrell, former Marine Captain, joins us to talk about her experiences on the Female Engagement Teams and her involvement in the lawsuit that led to the eventual repeal of the Combat Exclusion Policy. The grit and determination she and her Marines displayed in the face of a policy that kept them from accomplishing their mission downrange is unparalleled. She expertly outlines why the Combat Exclusion Policy impacted mission readiness and individual careers and illustrates why she felt compelled to join the lawsuit to repeal this policy. Moreover, she shows us that women offer different capabilities than men have that allows them to be an asset on the battlefield. Her  testimony inspires us all to show personal courage to stand up for what feels right for an organization we care so deeply about. 

Two lawsuits were filed against the US Department of Defense, the ACLU lawsuit  and the one Professor Coughlin worked on (NAME). The Department of Defense repealed the Ground Combat Exclusion Policy shortly after these cases were filed. The ACLU lawsuit is still on-going. Colleen is no longer involved in this case. 


MOS: Military Occupational Specialty

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